Declaration (A 10 min. Play)


(c) 2011





If there is one paper that has been tested throughout time since the day it was drafted, it would be the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America. This single most important document has changed not only the United States but the world.


We have the Constitution of our great country due to this Declaration. Other countries of the free world have changed their law to parallel to ours. Throughout time itself, there is no document that out stands the paper that Thomas Jefferson wrote.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”


The power these words have said and keep saying to this very day. It is true in the time it was written and ratified that not everyone was treated equal. To be honest there is no such thing as true equality. No one is the same. We have the old and the young. We have males and we have females. As we have grown as a nation, the rights of others have been tested and have been put on display throughout the world… for all time.


Women now can vote, work, and do just about anything a male can do. This does not mean it’s perfect. There are more things to work out for all women in this great nation. All races are given the opportunity to do all what the white man can do. The test of freedom never ends.


Now, in all of creation, homosexuals can freely serve their country without any fear of being booted out of their sworn duties. This does not mean that they will not be harassed. Prejudices will always be there. Hence, there is no such thing as perfect equality. UTOPIA comes from two Greek words, UO meaning not and TOPOS meaning place.


There can never be perfect society, but we can work hard as a human race to make it the best in the time in which we live. Government cannot do this. Only the citizens of any country can make a difference… provided we all work together. It takes a team to get things done and done right.


But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security


In our economic issues we face in the 21st Century, we have a government that are more concerned with big businesses that Lobbyist their way out of every legal authority to the point they are above the laws that everyone must obey. Spite the job losses today, more and more jobs are going overseas. There are other major issues that continue to haunt jobs and other things that can bring prosperity to this nation. Is it time to overthrow the government and replace it?


When I heard this Declaration that Thomas Jefferson wrote on one of the YouTube videos, I was shocked and appalled by how it parallels to what we Americans face today. With a little tweaking, to show what we face in the 21st Century, I do believe this same Declaration can speak to our own government and remind that “WE THE PEOPLE” can and should declare our “unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”


When our Founding Fathers fought for their freedoms, that we all live by today, they fought hard and dirty. Let it be known that it was not a revolt as you might know the meaning today. Now in the 21st Century, we have the right to make a stand and do our duties as American citizens and form a more perfect union that our children’s children can enjoy as we have done in the past.


This play is to present the cry of the people in the same magnitude as it was done over 200 years ago. Time has come full circle. How our government reacts to the people will present itself in due course. Whatever it may be, America will go on as it has since the first English Settlers in Jamestown in 1606.


This play will declare its own declaration and show that the United States of America will continue to live on spite the tribulations it will endure. Make no mistake, we will continue onward as long as we fight for what we believe in.



We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.





A Ten Minute Play


By Brandon Bowers


Scene I


Cast of Characters


Mrs. Sarah Frederick- She is a government teacher at Lakeview High School.

Martha Jefferson- She is a 9th grader. She loves to read and do research and well versed in American History.

Thomas Jefferson- He is a brother to Sarah and a high school student. He is a 10th grader.


PLACE: Lakeview High School

TIME: The present

SETTING: The scene takes place in front of the school after classes



(walks near his bother out in front of the school building)


Sorry about that. I didn’t think it would take that long.



(looks upset)


It is okay. I didn’t wait… To be honest I was not paying any attention to the time.




Spill it. What is upsetting you so much?



(sighs) I’ m just upset with how our federal government is doing… or the lack thereof… regarding our economic situations.




Bro, you know that they are doing their…




They are not doing their best, nor do they care for the people… they are supposed to be serving.




Tell me something I did not know. (pauses) There is no reason to get upset about it.




Martha! This is our country. If we sit and do nothing, changes will not be made.




What do you want to do about it?




I have no clue… I want to scream and tell the world… I just don’t know how to go about doing so.




(smiles) Come with me. In a way Mrs. Frederick and I were talking about this very thing. That was why it took me so long to meet up with you.

(THOMAS follows her sister to Mrs. Frederick’s room)



(smiles as they enter) Hi you two. Anything I can do for you?




Tom is upset about how our government is running things.




Thomas, you’re not the only one to think this way. Since you will graduate in two years, I think you need to know about how college students are suffering regarding our economy. (pauses) Reports have been done that 85 percent of college graduates will have to go back home. This leads them in serious debt due to loans.




I’ve worked too hard in high school for that to happen to me! I don’t want to be part this college statistic when I’m a college student. There has to be something I can do Mrs. Fredrick?




I know what you can do... Write a paper on this for extra credit. Putting ideas on paper could enlighten you on what is deep inside you regarding this subject. Without knowing how you truly feel, any protesting will not get you far. If you are serious about changing things, then you need to focus and be prepared. I’ll talk to my husband in helping you get the needed information. In retrospect, our Founding Fathers suffered in the same manner if not a whole lot worse. (pauses) They did not simply protest without understanding what is important. Another words, they had knowledge of how governments ran in the past. (pauses) If you are going to declare your own frustrations, you have to use knowledge. Emotions alone will not cause our government to listen to you.




I know a great deal about American History already. Spite what I know; I don’t know how that will help me now.




It will, Thomas… Please trust me on that.




I know all what they have gone through in order to make this country free, but how does all that have to do with us?



(thinks what to say) I’ll allow George to explain. (pauses) Believe it or not Thomas, history is only repeating itself. It might be people like you to work hard and make a difference for all of us in this century.




That was what I meant… by don’t let it bother you. I didn’t mean to do nothing. It was not easy for our Founding Fathers to make this country what it is today. Spite what has happened and will happen, it will be just as hard if not harder to continue to make this country the freest country in the world. (smiles) With people like you bro, it will continue to thrive.




I hope so Martha. (looks at his watch; smiles) Thanks for your time Mrs. Frederick. We better head home. See you tomorrow.


(they both exits the classroom)


Scene II


Cast of Characters


Mr. George Frederick- He is an American History teacher.

James Madison- He is a dear friend to Sarah and Thomas throughout their childhood.

Thomas Jefferson


PLACE: Lakeview High School

TIME: The present

SETTING: In Mr. Fredrick’s classroom the next day after classes



(walks in the classroom)


Hi Mr. Fredrick.



Hi Thomas, Sarah told me about what has been concerning you.




It still concerns me dearly.




(smiles) You are a hard worker. It should. Have you written anything yet on this paper?




No I have not. What can I write?




Good question. Let’s isolate what are the key things that are bugging you.




All the hard work I do in school will go up like a puff of smoke unless changes are done in our federal government.



(hands him a book)

Read this.




Declaration of Independence… This will help me in this century?




(looks disappointed) Yes it will. Read it in this century than in the time it was first drafted. You will be surprised what you will see.




What else can you share with me? There has to be more that I can learn from you.




(shakes his head) It amazes me what little the generation of today knows of American History and all that our Founding Fathers have done. (pauses) Don’t get me wrong, I believe both our federal and state governments have done a disservice. It might be the lack of knowledge they know themselves or the lack of care for everyone under them. (pauses longer) We all can change what they are doing or the lack thereof. That is why I only gave you that one book. Once you read it as I’ve instructed you, then you will understand what I mean.




Thanks Mr. Frederick (walks out of classroom; meets James in the hallway).




Ready for the game tonight?




Sorry… I can’t. (heavy sigh) I have something serious on my mind.




Martha told me about it. I thought I should find you and see how you are doing with it.




Nothing written yet. What can I write that can make a difference.




It will make a difference to you. Write this paper for yourself. You can’t change the world. (pause; smiles) I can see you doing great things for others, but first live for yourself.




That is my point. I want those knuckleheads in our government to do what needs to be done now… if not sooner.




(in thought) Write from your heart Tom. This is for you to write. If you are serious as you sound, then you need to find this from within yourself. I can share my points of views, but it seems you need to find yours… deep inside.




I know. (looks at the book title once more; smiles) I might have an idea. (moves towards the library)



Scene III


Cast of Characters


Thomas Jefferson

Martha Jefferson

Sarah Frederick

George Frederick

James Madison


PLACE: Lakeview High School

TIME: short time after talking with James

SETTING: Library


(later on all four of them walked in the library to meet up with Thomas)




What have you written so far?



(smiling) I’m done, and I made copies for all of you. (gives each a copy)




(smiles after looking over what was handed to her)

Your own declaration!




(gives big grin) Yes… After all… He wrote the first one.




I suggest we all read it as if it were our Thomas’ Declaration.




It is mine. That is why I could not write a paper on this. How I felt was too strong. I paraphrased the first Declaration so what I had to say would parallel with it. As Mr. Fredrick pointed out, the Declaration of Independence does speak to us today. All I did was add modern things to it. I could not simply write my declaration from scratch. I had to blend his to it.




That is exactly what I was hoping you would think. Want me to read first?




(smiles warmly) Please do, Mr. Fredrick.




(reads) We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. (stops reading) See you left that as is.




Yes sir, I did.




You see how our history can make a difference today?




Yes I do now. Again, that is why I have used his Declaration and mixed it with mine. Only by his words can my claim be just as powerful. Only circumstances has changed the rest is the same.




Exactly! If more people that do and will protest regarding our economy and other mismanaged things can learn from this one document… The Declaration of Independence… they can cause our government to do right for the people they serve.




Thank you for allowing me to see that. As you all will read, I have added information from other sources, so they can share in this same Declaration of Independence.

(nods to his sister to continue reading)




(reads) The history of the present Capitalism by a given few that has abused their own right to take jobs overseas while the people of the same country suffers repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted: Since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was signed in 1993, the rise in the U.S. trade deficit with Canada and Mexico through 2002 has caused the displacement of production that supported 879,280 U.S. jobs. Most of those lost jobs were high-wage positions in manufacturing industries.



(stops his sister)


I want to state that I got the information Martha just read from a credible source. After reading it, I was so flabbergasted… I had to write that part into my declaration.




You did good Thomas. As long as you show references, then you done right.




I have sir. (shows him the paper)




You did great research. (smiles) Proud of you Thomas.



(signals for James to read next)




(reads) The companies cut their work forces in the U.S. by 2.9 million during the 2000s while increasing employment overseas by 2.4 million. The trend highlights the growing importance of other economies, particularly in rapidly growing Asia, to big U.S. businesses such as General Electric Co., Caterpillar Inc., Microsoft Corp. and Wal-Mart Stores Inc.




(quietly signals to read the next part; after Thomas quietly nods, she reads)


Health care fraud is a national problem, prevalent in federal and state as well as private insurance programs. From our work in this area, it appears that fraud is on the rise and the criminals who perpetrate it have become more organized and sophisticated. Unfortunately, no one knows exactly how much health care fraud costs this country, but we estimate it to be in the billions of dollars each year. We are responding by coordinating anti-fraud efforts across the government, and we will establish new partnerships with the private sector as part of our approach to the problem.




(blurted out) WHAT! How can they get away with this?




It is amazing what some big businesses have gotten away with all these years, and the government turns a blind eye.




(huffs; looks at her brother) We need many Americans like you bro. (pauses) I can see why you are so upset




May I read next?




(smiles) I was going to ask you to do that… please, but I want to stop where it says “WE THE PEOPLE.




Okay. (pauses) I see why you want to read this part.



I know that James Madison wrote the Constitution, and that is why I want you to read this part before I read the last part.







(reads) In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. Every citizen of these United States of petitioned time and time again upon deaf ears from both our federal and state governments. As the deficit is very near $15 trillion dollars, our government ignores our cries.




(interrupts) Mr. Frederick, if every citizen does not petition, as my brother is doing, will it be too late to change things?




Good question. (pauses) I personally think if things get worse, they will. People are suffering too much already. As you have seen the news lately, many are protesting against Wall Street, but their yelling and screaming is not doing anything.




Why not? Why is our government not listening to the ones that are protesting?




As my husband said, they don’t have the right understanding how to make them listen. Our Founding Fathers didn’t simply yell and scream. They understood how to be free and how to fight. The Boston Tea Party is not the same at the Tea Party Movement today. Our Founding Fathers protested against tyranny of numerous acts that was not part of the law of British Parliament at that time. The war should have been titled, “The War of Independence.” The British Government did not allow us to represent ourselves, which we had the right to do, under their laws.




WOW! Now our government is repeating the same things… so it seems.




Yes they are. That is another reason I couldn’t write a simple paper. I had to declare our independence… once again. (pauses; reads) WE THE PEOPLE of the united States of America, therefore, appealing to the governments of this great country, in the Name, and by Authority, solemnly publish and declare, that these United States are, and of Right ought to be Free from such Capitalistic tyranny, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.


(lights out)



Works Cited


Corr, J.D., William. "Testimony." US Department of Health and Human Services . US Department of Health and Human Services , 19 APR 2011. Web. 22 Oct 2011. <>.


Fairbanks, Amanda. "2011 College Grads Moving Home In Record Numbers, Saddled With Historic Levels Of Student Loan Debt ." Huffington Post. (2011): n. page. Web. 22 Oct. 2011. <>.


Jefferson, Thomas. "Declation of Independence." Charters of Freedom., n.d. Web. 22 Oct 2011. <>.


Scott, Robert E. "The high price of ‘free’ trade: NAFTA’s failure has cost the United States jobs across the nation." Economic Policy Institute. Economic Policy Institute, 17 Nov 2003. Web. 22 Oct 2011. <>.


"U.S. Companies still shipping jobs overseas… ." Brain Cramps. Brain Cramps, n.d. Web. 22 Oct 2011. <>.


U.S. Dept Clock. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct 2011. <>.


Works Cited


Corr, J.D., William. "Testimony." US Department of Health and Human Services . US Department of Health and Human Services , 19 APR 2011. Web. 22 Oct 2011. <>.


Fairbanks, Amanda. "2011 College Grads Moving Home In Record Numbers, Saddled With Historic Levels Of Student Loan Debt ." Huffington Post. (2011): n. page. Web. 22 Oct. 2011. <>.


Jefferson, Thomas. "Declation of Independence." Charters of Freedom., n.d. Web. 22 Oct 2011. <>.


Scott, Robert E. "The high price of ‘free’ trade: NAFTA’s failure has cost the United States jobs across the nation." Economic Policy Institute. Economic Policy Institute, 17 Nov 2003. Web. 22 Oct 2011. <>.


"U.S. Companies still shipping jobs overseas… ." Brain Cramps. Brain Cramps, n.d. Web. 22 Oct 2011. <>.


U.S. Dept Clock. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct 2011. <>.

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