The Importance of Science, Transportation, and the Internet


After watching another episode of National Geographic: Origins- “The Road Ahead,” I thought to write about it regarding how all Americans should evaluate our current federal government in the United States of America. There is a lot to examine, and it I have to do with the current events.


Lech Walesa once said, “He who puts his hand to stop the wheel of history will have his fingers crushed.” That could not be so true today. We have a political system in the United States of America that are getting their fingers crushed on the backs of every red-blooded American. They deliberately do their best to silence science in every turn.


The Constitution of the United States of America was not created to control the people but the control government. We cry for our rights to speak as we want and what we want, we cry for our rights to religion and all the rest, but why are we doing all that? We have the Bill of Rights that give us all that and so much more. Politicians are trying to make laws to control our rights that are already ours, to begin with. It is not theirs to manipulate in order for them to gain more power lust in their hearts.

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. (

What more do we need in order to have the rights we already have to this very day? The answer is simple. We need government to have less power in order to protect us all than too much in order to control us all. “When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty.” ― Thomas Jefferson. That is what our Founding Fathers had created so long ago. They understood the history of mankind and its governments. That is the definition of a Constitutional Republic in which our government stands on to this very day.


A Democracy is a form of government that is controlled by the majority and not by law. This form of government leads to a dead end road of tyranny and desolation:

Alexander Hamilton asserted that “We are now forming a Republican form of government. Real liberty is not found in the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments. If we incline too much to democracy we shall soon shoot into a monarchy, or some other form of a dictatorship.”


Thomas Jefferson declared: “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.”


Benjamin Franklin had similar concerns of a democracy when he warned that “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!”


John Adams, our second president, wrote: “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.”


James Madison, the father of the Constitution wrote in Federalist Paper No. 10 that pure democracies “have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”

The Constitution itself, in Article IV, Section 4, declares: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government.” (

Tyranny always dominates and destroys innovation. That is why public education is so horrible in the Unites States of America. We have a President that does not know about the Civil War or Andrew Jackson. If Donald Trump does not know squat about American History, how can he successfully do his job? His mockery of science is far from deplorable.


The Cold War between the formal Soviet Union and the United States happened practically months after what is called World War II. If these three wars are that connected, (there are many that believe WWI & WWII are one and the same) HOLY MOLLY!!! We have been in a continuous war (July 28, 1914 -- December 8, 1991). That is nearly 77 years. Why does President Donald Trump and the Republicans want to make our military bigger by adding more of our tax dollars to it while destroying science and technology? What are they thinking? Sad to say, I do not have the answers.


That is not half of our problem in America today. Illiteracy is at an all time high with no reason or rhyme to it. If you study this web page, you may think over 80% of Americans are illiterate. After you make a cake out of all the facts, you will probably come up with around 50%. Either one is far too high. Reading is the most fundamental aspects of life. Most of our learning processes are done through reading. No wonder President Trump got his facts erroneously wrong about the American Civil War and Andrew Jackson. It is also why a lot of people do not realize how important science and technology are to this nation and all around the world.


Through scientific discoveries, our lives have evolved from the trees and the caves of our early ancestors to who we are today. There are countless inventions and discoveries that led us to be the people we are today all around the world. A great deal of these advancements had to do with war, but nothing can compare to what we had learned from World War I through the Cold War. Like I said, “A good deal believes World War I and II are interconnected.” Hitler was a part of WWI. I could go into a lengthy history of how these two are connected.


Where would we be today if it were not for Nikola Tesla, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, and so many other great minds of science, technology, and innovation? In the age, we live in today, how much more we could gain from an explosive force of the future that lies from what we call “the Internet.” From an article, On the Web right now? You’re in the minority — most people still don’t have Internet, from Digital Trends, “Around 7.2 billion people inhabit this planet, and over 4 billion of them don’t have the technology necessary to look that number up. In a sobering statistic that highlights the vast inequity that remains when it comes to Internet access, a new report from the United Nations’ Broadband Commission estimates that 4.2 billion people, or three-fifths of the global population, do not have regular access to the Internet.” No wonder we have a serious global economic pitfall. Everyone needs to be online!!


Believe it or not, the reason we have the Internet in the first place had everything to do with the Cold War. The military of the United States and its allies had to communicate quickly and secretively without any trouble without the enemy listening in (ARPANET). Since that war is over, the Internet became public soon after. Since that time (~1991-3), its technology exploded bigger than any bomb could do today. This had everything to do with science, transportation, and how mankind had been advancing to this very day.


From the horses to modern mechanical technology we have today, mankind origins have been propelled through transportation. As we have evolved, we created more and better things in our lives. If it were not for science, mathematics, the creative minds of humans all around the world throughout time and space here on little olé Earth, we might still be climbing the trees as our ancient ancestors had done. WE CANNOT ALLOW the power corrupt politicians to destroy all that mankind had done.


Did you know that the bicycle paved the way to women’s rights? Bicycles also had a big hand in creating the airplane. The modern drones would not be a thought, less alone a reality if it were not for science and technology. There was one female that helped create drones during World War II. Her name was Norma Jeane Dougherty. You know her as Marilyn Monroe. Does that mean that Donald Trump was outclassed by (what she was called) “a dumb blond bimbo?” At any rate, I think dog dung could do that. In fact, many could say, Marilyn could have used her legs to walk all over that doggy poo [Donald Trump].


The point to my article is WE THE PEOPLE needs to stand up to the bullies and power mongers of the federal government of the United States of America in order to protect and allow the evolution of our lives to prosper for our children’s children and beyond. We cannot live in the 17th century as the one percent wants us all to live in. That was their era and not ours! We have the ability right now to do things that can far reach anything that has been done in humanity’s past.


Right now, we are communicating in real time with each other at every point of the globe. We can travel to every point throughout by the use of the Internet (example: Google Maps, Google Earth, etc.). Through augmented reality or mixed reality, we can do so much more like be at those locations than seeing them on a screen. New jobs that have not been invented as of yet are waiting. How we are educated can make all the difference online and beyond, and the costs of all this will be so much less as we continue to use it.


If the FCC or any other federal government is going to stand in humanity’s way of these endeavors, we need to act now before it is too late to be able to fight. If this means a federal government reform by removing every politician from office, THEN SO BE IT! The fate is theirs, and our nation belongs to us and not them anyhow. Let us crush the fingers of anyone government that want to deliberately stop the wheel of history!!

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