Our American Status
In the movie, The Golden Child, the monk said, "America has all that freedom, and they don't know what to do with it." To this day, we still don't.
Yes, we are still young to so many nations on Earth, but seriously we should have grown up by now. How many years will it take us to grow up? We are the least educated in a developed nation. We are so illiterate, we really can't piss straight. Most adults don't even know their own body vs a porn movie.
Slang words for human body parts (as revulsion as it may be) is more of a downhill sign of illiteracy than a progression in learning. Instead, (in all its repulsiveness) eat our own shit, vomit, etc., than trying to do better in life. Our status of a Republic might be standing, but if the whole of the people of the USA are that decadent, how long can our Republic stand?
We wallow in the porn filth, but we purposely are repugnant on our natural bodies that the Christian Bible calls, very good. Instead of mimicking what is good, we rape our women and children of their rights to be human. Instead of loving our neighbors, we murder them outright with bigotry, racism, and any other excuse.
Instead of calling the most beautiful part of the female anatomy a vulva, we demean our existence by calling it an outdated cat's name, a pussy but do so to degrade her than show honor and respect. What a male isn't repulsive either. Years ago, we called a detective, a dick. It wasn't to degrade. When we call a penis that, we emasculate the human male body.
By putting porn over the natural human naked body, we put the United States of America to shame so deep, I wonder if we will ever recover. What is more troubling, we don't stop there. We teach our children seeing the naked human body leads to uncontrollable sexual activities. We are having that behavior due to this abomination.