I was just born this way

“It is possible to curb your arrogance, to overcome pleasure and pain, to rise above your ambition, and not be angry with stupid and ungrateful people—yes, even to care for them."

We have faced a great deal over the decades. Yes, that is right... that long. What am I talking about? Something most were never taught in schools. NAFTA may have appeared to start in January 1994 with nearly 900,000 jobs lost in one swift moment. I recall looking at the local newspaper showing a large map of all the industries laying off thousands of jobs. Ever since we have struggled to hold paying our bills.  

Believe it or not, the United States of America had a surplus of over $4.5 billion before that day. Now we are falling fast to $29 trillion in debt. Believe it or not, it did not start in 1994. It started in 1914... the start of the First World War in human history. When that war ended (with a few years between) World War II started. Some historians believe it was one big World War. What is more shocking it did not end when you believe or taught in school. Another world war started but it was not allowed to be called World War III; nevertheless, it should have been because the world was hard into what they called "The Cold War" that lasted 45 years. If WWI & WWII were the same then the falsehood of a cold one was too. In a total of lies and deaths of innocent lives, this one campaign of wars lasted for... 72 years (1914 -1991). NAFTA did not just come from the cracks — just three years later. Did you also know, WWI could have ended sooner?

That is right. All the soldiers of all sides stopped fighting and sang — Christmas songs. The ones controlling and responsible for WWI, I am sure, did not like what occurred. All the Wars after, this type of activity never happened again. That tells me, the elitists controlled every aspect of this 72-year war.  Humanity could have prevented WWII and what was called, The Cold War from being in the history books to this day.

It is extremely easy to get grumpy over the 72 years of lies by our governments — especially from the United States of America. It is not wrong to feel.  That is natural as breathing.  What is dangerous is when we allow our emotions to take us over.  We have to learn what we can't control and what we can.  When we are allowed to deal with what we can deal with as individuals and Americans or citizens of any nation, we should act on it with humility and integrity.  Voting in the United States of America is just the first step.  WE THE PEOPLE can do tons more — before and after voting day.  We must turn that negative energy into a positive to put fear in the hearts of our corrupt lawmakers and the elite than those people to enslave us.

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