Laws vs Rule of Law

There is a difference between making laws and the Rule of Law — our Republic.  What is the difference between a majority rule and a Rule of Law?  Know this if anything else:  authority without freedom is tyranny; freedom without authority is chaos or anarchy.  Both the twain must meet to have a Republic Government.

James Madison said, "If men [mankind] were angels, we would not need government."  He realized human beings could not govern themselves.  With all the conspiracies going on, those who spin them do not want majority rule, but the rule of themselves.  I cannot write or say this enough:

The industrial age started ~1760.  The United States of America started in 1775 and 1788.  The one percent elite had to be shocked of a government giving all its people such liberty.  Our Republic has been attacked by them since day one.

WE THE PEOPLE means we all are free under our Republic.  It does not mean the people make laws or govern our nation.

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