The Opposite

“What assistance can we find in the fight against habit? Try the opposite!”
         —EPICTETUS, DISCOURSES, 1.27.4

Humanity is the worse about this -- holding onto a dead horse.  We go around the may pole while not looking at the center as a possible solution.  The answers are easy; asking the right questions is what is hard. The application is another difficulty. 

Another issue that most do not realize, how did we get the habits we cling to?  I see two serious ones we should avoid. One, our wrong applications of the situations in life. Two, actions forced on us by the elites.  Both we have total control over but we trick ourselves to think otherwise.

Even though we screw ourselves from one flagpole to the next, we all have choices. The restraints we are made to believe are unbreakable, we can remove them at any time, but we fear the future of being free.

This links to number two.  The industrial age started around 1760. The United States of America started on two important dates -- July 4, 1776, September 17, 1787.  We only celebrate one of these dates each year. How many know anything about the second less alone about the first.

Public education is poor in the USA because the less we know, the more power the elite has over us. If the majority of the American people are going in the wrong direction, they need to do the opposite.

It is why America has a low voting turnout. If most know little to nothing about our Republic Government, they have no drive to be a part of WE THE PEOPLE.  We have been turned into mental slaves of the elite. It is time to do the opposite.

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