The Wise

“This is why we say that nothing happens to the wise person contrary to their expectations.”

Socrates once said, "The more you know, the more you realize you know nothing." A wise person realizes life is neither a utopia nor a dystopia. It is what each one of us makes life be. This is not easy, nor should it. This is called sanity. When others fall apart beyond the normal suffering we all must endure. The wise learn to accept it -- the good, bad, and the ugly.

Our purpose in life is not the money we make or the lack of it because the elite keeps us from making what we could have made -- that is a different story.  Our purpose is to learn to be wise and share that with others as so many have done before us.

Being wise is not education alone, but the result of it. How we share it all by our profession or just being ourselves.  Love is always wise. Hate is always cruel and does nothing for no one.

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