Integrity vs the Everyday

“Good people will do what they find honorable to do, even if it requires hard work; they’ll do it even if it causes them injury; they’ll do it even if it will bring danger.  Again, they won’t do what they find base, even if it brings wealth, pleasure, or power.  Nothing will deter them from what is honorable, and nothing will lure them into what is base.”
         —SENECA, MORAL LETTERS, 76.18


I was raised to think and live this very concept.  I was taught in school a lot more important things than what is taught today.  The average person of the time of my upbringing in life knew more about their government and many other important things.  I have constantly talked about two important dates of American History.  We celebrated one of them the other day, but we know very little of what was written.  The other, most don't know the day it was signed and made all the difference of what makes the unique Republic Government of any nation on Earth.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

The first two sentences of the Declaration of Independence was created and signed by special men that we call our Founding Fathers.  They risked their lives and families to do the right thing.  Today, the turnout of our Elections is shameful.  We don't act with Integrity in everyday life because we must be taught this in the homes and schools.  It can be taught because as I have states, my generation and my parents understood these principles.  Somewhere along the way, we stopped passing down the important things in life.  This can change.  This must change!

Yes, the American people have slowly voted out the Republicans since 2018, but so much more must be done.  VOTING IS barely the introduction of what the American people must do!!  We have gun violence that nearly appears to be a direct militia coup d'état — i.e. the recent gun violence in Massachusetts.  Things will only get worse until the huge majority votes in every election and stand up for what is right in everyday life.

Our point of view is obscured.  We accept unnatural "fake" pornography over reality of teaching/raising children in learning about their bodies if not the body of the opposite sex.  We accept sexual acts but shun mothers breastfeeding their young.  Yes, there are laws to protect public breastfeeding in all 50 States, but we have law officers to shun them as if they were prostitutes.  It is alright to watch such things from adults in fake sexual manner (what is called, adult breastfeeding), but we look upon a mother born to breastfeed her baby as repulsive.  The point, we don't do what is right no matter the cost; instead, we go out of our way — at all cost — to criminalize what is natural and proper even if there are laws to protect mothers breastfeeding their babies.  

We scream bloody murder about our voting rights when the Supreme Court of the United States appears to be against our rights, but we don't use our right to vote when it is time to do so.  Yes, the Republican Party is attacking our rights to vote, but it is built around a big fluke.  Unless we face something like the COVID-19 (in which we still are dealing with), the mass voting by mail will never happen again.  This corrupt Party wants us to sit on our asses during voting time.  If HR1 Bill was passed alongside others that fully protect our right to vote by mail, the voting turnout would still be low.  It was during the 2020 Presidential Election.  What makes you think America will change in 2022?  

There is no excuse for not learning about humility and integrity.  Even if homes and schools taught children as they should, so much can be taught.  We can learn so much more on our own.  Despite the failures, it does not have to become a dead end street.  Neale Donald Walsch said, "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

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