What is Faith, Spirituality, Religion, Philosphy, Etc?

 As humanity comes together more and stronger than anytime in human history, we are faced with the reality what do we believe in as a human race?  I can only speak for myself, and I believe in an eclectic [cherry-picking of the things I want out of every discipline of life] of a lot of things.  It is my responsibility to live my life to the fullest.

It makes me wonder if the teachings of Christianity, "We are created in God's image" is to teach us the basic principles of life is defined by our own individuality/brain.  In the real sense, we don't see reality but what our understandings of how our brain processes, and we come to terms with that information.  

I have a premium home in SecondLife, and I have an altar of a mosaic of many things.  It is to show homage and respect to what I believe in over the years I have been alive.

The Greek Goddesses, The Graces statue on the left; Isis on the right.  The altar in the middle with pictures of Stoicism, Gnosis Bible Doctrine, the branches of philosophy, paganism, and Wicca.  In reality, they are all teaching the same things — love, humility, and integrity throughout the many cultures and everything else that has made us human. 

I am no scholar of these disciplines; it is why I cherry-pick and learn all I can for my benefit and how I interact with others.  I learn, apply, and take up the full responsibilities of my life.  There are times, we have to be individuals while fully believing "individuality is a bunch of horse crap."  If that was not so, we would not have over 7.8 billion people alive today.  We are not meant to live alone while being strong on our individuality.

Sadly, we have politicians, religious leaders, and all the rest teaching us to divide ourselves and force others to live life their way.  This does not unite anyone or cause peace of any kind.  It is eroding humanity than building us up.  There is a reason why the Founding Fathers of the United States of America gave us the First Amendment — freedom of all aspects of humanity.  Voting for whomever does not make good leaders.  To lead like Marcus Aurelius and other great thinkers under such roles of running a government, it takes a great deal of character, humility, and integrity.  What is worse, if the American voters do not have these qualities, they will refuse to put in the right people to run our Constitutional Federal Republic.  As the old computer term, GIGO — Garbage In Garbage Out.

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